Wanna be saved? I will say that I will never forget the day I humbled myself before the Lord; from then on, my life has changed.
It's been awesome and I have been blessed in so many ways. I have a fire inside to help others feel this way. Since my
own salvation, I feel as if I have a light inside that I want everyone to see and have within themselves too!

Romans 10:9 For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved. 10:10 For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with
your mouth that you are saved. 10:11 As the Scriptures tell us, "Anyone who believes in him will not be disappointed.

The Prayer of Salvation
is not only to be said with the mouth, but also from the heart. Let Jesus into your heart and repent (turn away from)
your sins. Praise God!
Prayer of Salvation
Dear Lord Jesus, I am here to ask you for
forgiveness. I know I have sinned and I am sorry. I am ready to turn away from my sins and live my life for you. I believe
that you, the Son of God, died for my sins, rose from the grave and are living today! I want you to please come into my heart.
Thank you Jesus, for your sweet mercy and grace ....... In Jesus' name, AMEN
If you just prayed that very important prayer, Email me by clicking the link below please! I would love to know! God Bless
EMAIL ME! click here!
