~ Your Arms ~ Jesus, just the soothing sound of your precious name rolling off of my tongue comforts
me My whole being is filled with overwhelming love for you Just as the waves are drawn to the moon, I
am drawn to you The selfless love that you had shown when you walked the world Your strength and compassion
for others Oh Jesus, how strong your arms must be For as the song says, You did save a wretch like me
The bonds that held me and kept me away from your love are a distant memory now For it is only to you
that my knee bows My sweet Savior, My precious redeemer How I love thee with no limitations nor boundaries of
this world or any other My heart is yours, forever and ever When I am feeling cold, I feel your arms
around me When I am feeling deep sadness, your arms are around me As my walk with you gets a little rough and
the road begins to take a sharp turn I feel the warmth and security of your arms Oh sweet Jesus, I love you,
I love you, I love you My heart hungers for your presence always I live my life for you, It is you whom
I obey Your Love and guidance take me through every single day The air that I breathe, only has you in it
The food that I eat, are Your words that feed my soul The energy that my body maintains, is from your strength
,Your wisdom and acts of Love and kindness Every essence of you has given me the will to move on and
go forth and talk about Christ, My Savior, My Redeemer, My Inner Strength, and the keeper of my heart So,
I will go on, and tell all of the lost that I see about how you Saved me For it is my hope and prayer, for everyone
to feel the love of You from within to know that you are the only Savior and Lord, and that oh so warm,
comforting feeling of being wrapped in your arms ~By TJ~ 10/16/01
~Don't Judge~ Please do not judge or call me names I know that Christians are often the target of many
things He said that we would be persecuted in so many ways for believing in Him and yes indeed, we have been
Some people just dont understand, that their lives are truly in Gods hands If only they could open their hearts
to Jesus and feel what I feel inside They would know why I always have that goofy smile on my face and why I dont
follow along with the rest of the rat race I am here for my Lord and Savior and not anyone more I do things out
of the goodness of my heart, for Jesus, and in turn, I am blessed in various ways The next time you choose to
judge or say bad things about a follower of Christ, Open your eyes, and sit back Watch the world and notice
that there is some goodness still left out there When there is a family in need, God helps them, through people
His followers, Christians He works through us, indeed I am honored to have him working through me with these
very words It fills my soul with such joy to know that I can make some kind of difference in this world Have
you ever been in such despair and strife, and said something in the way of God help me? Thats not an accident, he wants
you to ask for His help, for thats what Fathers do, is help their children I thank Him everyday for lighting that
fire inside me to do all that I am capable of to spread his message to so many I Praise Him, Yes I do! Praise
God and Jesus too! Some people may laugh or snicker at the way I get a bit excited when it comes to Praising my
God, but I do not live for this world and I do not care what anyone in this world thinks about how I Praise
my Savior My God is so wonderful and awesome that I could never in a million years thank Him for all that
he has done I can only hope that in time, more people will open their hearts and their minds to how great their
lives can be with God in their hearts So, for now, I will go on doing my duty as a child and servant of God
I know you will call me a pest, or a nuisance, but Dont worry about hurting my feelings, I am only trying
to help save you from what this world has in store If you decide not to take what I have to say to heart, That
is your choice, but remember God loves you and is only using people such as myself to keep you from any forthcoming
harm So for now, I will say God Bless you and may you humble yourself soon to being able to believe in He who
loves You
~Hearts Always Hear~ Do you ever have that feeling of hoplessness? Like, nobody cares, or ever
will? Then, when things seem like they might be going your way Something always happens, to set you back another
day Fear, such a deep, dark, scarey emotion Yet it always seems to get the best of me at times Confusion,
equally scarey as fear, not knowing what to do, where to go, who to go to Ever lay in bed, right before
you feel yourself drifting off into a slumber, and talk to the sky? Where does that come from? Some people have
little faith, yet still find themselves doing exactly that in times of need and despair He's always there to help us,
always there to listen, always there to feel our pain. Our heavenly Father, there with His angels, sent down
in our times of confusion, to whisper words of comfort, love, and hope to our hearts He may not speak loudly
enough for our ears to hear Him, but our hearts always hear Thank You Lord, for helping me to lay my head down
at night, close my eyes, and to drift to sleep knowing that everything is going to be fine Thank you angels
for helping my heavenly Father to look after me everyday
Born Again I once misunderstood the meaning of being born again I may have never understood at all But
Jesus, you kept tugging at my heart and I could not ignore your call So I knelt down I cried out,
"Jesus save my soul!" Im sorry that I hurt you, with my unholy acts I am ready to walk away from
all of that The tears came rolling down my face as I said , I know you died for me, and the third day you rose
again So here I am, oh Lord, crying out to you, inviting you into my heart, Oh, God blanket me with you
Sweet Jesus, oh how you make me feel Being born again is just that, My heart is new, My spirits
new and my whole life too I feel like a little baby, when I know youre near For when I cry "I need
you Lord", Is when I feel you more and more Ill never forget that night that I knelt down
I cried out, Jesus save my soul! Im sorry that I hurt you, with my unholy acts I am ready to walk away from
all of that The tears came rolling down my face as I said, I know you died for me, and the third day you rose
again So, here I am Lord, crying out to you inviting you into my heart Oh, Lord, blanket me with you
Precious Redeemer, just Hold me, and Love me, and guide me the right way I feel like Im cradled in
your arms everyday I love you, I need you, you are where I wanna be So someday, I know, Ill be with you eternally
TJ - 11-8-01
~ Invisible Bonds ~ In life there are many things that our eyes can see In life there are also many
precious things that we cannot see Such as, emotions, faith, trust, loyalty We have invisible bonds that
hold us together like glue holds together something broken Without the glue, it would be in pieces Of
our invisible bonds the strongest one would be Love Love holds many people together Without it,
we would fall to pieces Trust That bond that makes us feel secure and happy Without it, we would fall to
pieces Faith Perhaps one of the hardest bonds to keep It can be very easy to lose if Trust and Love
arent there to help keep it in tact Having the bond of faith gives us the feeling of strength and motivation that
we all need to feel People in this world seem to think that the things we can see are more important When
we make material possesions and ideals priority over our invisible bonds then we slowly start to fall to pieces
Without those bonds in life None of us would be put together quite right I know when I lay my head down
on my pillow tonight I have kept those bonds in tact I hope that when my life is near to its end that I
may look back and know in my heart that those bonds I did not lack ~TJ~ 7/25/01
~Peace over Me~ Dear Lord, I know you are there I am humbled, kneeling before you in this time
of great despair Please God, hear me as I say this prayer My heavenly Father, I have been living
my life for You In all instances, Your influence shines through If someone opens their mouth, only
for filth to come pouring out, I say a silent prayer for them, and know that you will clean that filth out
O Jesus, In this day of skepticism, as my faith holds strong, People around the world, still say
that your Word is wrong It pierces my heart, and my soul to hear such words of doubt Oh precious Savior,
What has this world come to? So many people, so much hate, and it finally came to an act of shear hate
that I know was the influence of Satan himself I Glorify Your name Lord, I want to be submerged by
Peace in my heart over this grief and disbelief that has covered our Nation Dear Lord, I am here
for You Use me as You see fit in anyway As I pray to You, I almost instantly feel that Peace, over
my whole being Over all things, You, Heavenly Father Always fulfill Your promises to your children I am
here Jesus, I will be waiting patiently for You to come when it is time I am ready, I have my spiritual
bags packed I am working daily to find and to help save lost people out there Lord I praise You, Oh Lord
I praise You for putting the desire in my heart each and everyday to go out and minister to people about
You and Your wonderful Grace For I will Glorify Your name here on this Earth Until that wonderful
day, I meet You face to face In Jesus name I pray Amen 9/14/01
My Walk Feeling as if I have sunken into a hollow place Feeling blinded by this world and the weight
it lays upon my soul I began my walk with You not so long ago It's been sweet and
it's been challenging But within me, I find faith everlasting You never promised a walk with no
bumps on the road of life There have been trials, there have been blessings,
And through it all, You have been with me Oh Jesus, my sweet , sweet, Redeemer, my
flawless perfect friend the price for my salvation I see in your hands My trust in
You is overflowing Your Holy Spirit in me is always guiding My heart is heavy with the sorrows of
this world, but my spirit is light with your ever enduring Love and Grace
I may reach a fork in the road during my walk with You But when that comes to pass
My eyes will be lifted up towards the heavens to You My sweet Savior, it is the peace you instill
within my being that gives me the knowledge of which direction to continue My life is so truly
in your hands Jesus, the sacrifice you made by the nails in your hands are the most precious gift
Father, You are the Almighty Lord and with you, and only You, my walk to everlasting life
will move forth inspired by God,,, written by TJ 11/19/01
~Love Him~ I have been told by so many as I witness to them and tell them of Gods love and Jesus'
sacrifice, about the cross and, His blood Yet they still do not feel as if they're worthy of His forgiveness They
say "Oh, I have done some dreadful things, He could never forgive me" My heart weeps when I feel their pain
inside. I then ask God to give me guidance on what to tell them Then I feel what is laid on my heart to say;
Just Love Him Love Him with every fiber of your being Love him above all things in your life Love Him
passionately and faithfully Trust Him, know that He holds your life in his hands every single moment of every
single day of every single year Trust in the fact that He wants what is best for you, His child He is not waiting
for you to 'mess up' to comdemn you No, He is always talking to you, trying to get you to listen to Him We
all hear the Holy Spirit telling us what we need to do But do we Listen? Believe in Him He is real, His
Love is real, He Loves all of us so much that He gave his only begotten Son Jesus beared so much pain , emotionally
and physically for us A perfect human being walked this Earth so many years ago Spreading His love and good works
and miracles He suffered so at Calvary on that cross, my tears well up when I really think about what he did for
us He bridged the gap between Us and God so now, through Him, God can forgive anyone Confess your sins
to the Lord, Turn away from those sins and do them no more, Live for God What a precious gift Just
love Him, and tell Him every single day that you Love Him Feel the blanket of His warm love over you Trust in
Him, whole heartedly, completely, give it all to God and Believe in Him; He is the only God and know that when you live
for Him you will spend eternity in glory, where there is no hate, no despair, no fear, just Love Heavenly
Father, I feel more and more people opening their hearts to you every day Jesus, my Savior, my redeemer, my friend
I dream of that day when I meet you face to face sweet Jesus, your love has changed my heart and my life So,
in turn, I am spreading your message whenever and to whoever I can I give you all the glory and Praise for everything
in my life. My heart is yours Amen
Oh Jesus as I sit and think of how much you gave up and sacrificed for me, for us The strength it must
have taken, The pain you must have felt, The hatred that was aimed at you Precious Jesus, Son
of Man, My Only Savior, Come into my heart, For I feel so shameful when I experience self pity
You light my way and Hold my hand You know what is in my heart at all times Forgive me
when I sin, I try so hard not to I am living for You If this earthly body of mine becomes ill
someday My heart will stay with you my Lord I shall fear not illness, nor loss, nor death It is more
to fear not being with you in your kingdom for eternity Come into my heart to stay, Loving you keeps
my heart light day to day I Praise you, and Glorify your name with all I have Always and forever I want
to be with you 10/2/01 TJ