Ya know, as long as I can remember, us Texans seem to always be getting picked on about our accents, but I honestly don't
hear an accent around here. Ya'll are the one's with the accent! <s> Here's a lil dictionary for ya if ya ever come
and visit! *Texan to English Dictionary* Chunk..... To toss or throw an object Merefurminit.....
Come here for a minute Smatterwhichyew..... What's the matter with you Moverhere..... Come over here Momenims.....
As in "Mom and them is" out back Yarnt..... As in "You Aren't" really gong to do that are you? Ponder.....
To think about or to wonder about sumpthin Cowboy..... I don't Know this one. Cows are girls and bulls are boys. Could
be some sort of small farm animal Truk..... A vehicle known to roam West Texas Tars..... Round rubber objects connected
to the wheels of Truks. Yankee's call em tires Road Kill..... Free Lunch Whachadunenite..... As in "What are
you doing tonight" Armadillo..... Big armor plated rat known to roam Texas Road Runner..... Person being chased
by a truk It helps to know these, especially if ya ever decide to visit a little bitty ole town like the one I'm
from! We love to have visitors, so ya'll come on down now ya hear?! hehe

Our State Flower: The Bluebonnet (aren't they so purdy?!)